1. If you change your mind before receiving your item, just call us to cancel your order within 24 hours after your placing your order and we will process the cancellation of the order.
2. If you wish to return the item after receiving it, you have up to 3 days to make return request after your receiving the item by writing us an email at anuja.girighosh@gmail.com , keeping that item in the same condition as you received it with the original box and/or packaging intact. The return fee will borne by the buyer and once we receive the returned item, we will inspect it and if the item is found not defective or damaged, we will process the refund back to the buyer without original shipping fee.
3. In case the item you received is damaged or defective, you could return an item in the same condition as you received it with the original box and/or packaging intact. You have up to 3 days after receiving the item on your hand to make return request by writing us an email at anuja.girighosh@gmail.com. Once we receive the returned item, we will inspect it and if the item is found to be defective or damaged, we will process the refund along with any shipping fees incurred.